every founder has more to do than time available to them. you can train the ability to get more done. but at a point certain point, you have to decide what’s worth spending your time on. everyone has 24 hrs in their day. successful founders maximize every part of their day.

action items (learning)




top 3 best practices

  1. large focus blocks are important early on. for a maker schedule it’s good to have 3-5hr of focus blocks, and for manager like days, you can break down to 20-30min time blocks with calls.


  1. themed days help you avoid the cognitive costs of switching contexts too much between tasks. you can also theme part of your days to match your energy. if you’re a morning person, use that as uninterrupted focus time.


  1. task batching allows you to pair similar tasks to save time. for example, if you have meetings or new 1-1s in the week, have 1 time block of all of them. don’t have them all throughout your day.


note, there will be a delta between your ideal week and what really happens. the goal is not be 100% accurate, but to learn from that gap to see what causes the differences.

action items

  1. (30min) time block your whole weekly calendar. make sure all time is accounted for, from moment you wake up to moment you head to sleep.
  2. (10min) review at the start or end of each day to note differences